How OneHome revolutionised POS Management for its Collection Cosmetics brand.
“I can’t imagine me doing my work without OneHome. Not only has it saved me time, but the retailer is really happy with our estate management. The retailer, the customer and I are also happy."
OneHome was developed by Meiyume for their Collection Cosmetics brand. Operating under their Retail Solutions division, it was designed to integrate the complex process of managing point of sale (POS) cosmetic displays. Through managing the Collection brand directly, Meiyume was uniquely positioned to understand the specific challenges involved. So they built OneHome to help resolve the pressures and problems that POS teams face every day. In time, they were thrilled to see the platform attract a glowing reputation within the industry. OneHome was being recognised for enabling flawless POS – and exceptional customer experiences.
Meiyume was keen to enable other brands to achieve the same success with their own POS execution. They also realised the huge impact that OneHome was making on Collection’s sales growth, revenue and reputation. By expanding the OneHome platform, they created a much needed one-stop solution for both brands and retailers.
OneHome grew organically. It started as a minimum viable product, first built to manage print. After that a location functionality was added that helped us see what version of the POS was in each store location. Later, it evolved to encompass parts and planograms, finally bringing in compliance and data analytics.
Learn everything you have to know to revolutionise your POS management.